Mo Tatou


Kōtaha Kamupene Tikanga Rangatōpū Whakahonoretanga Tohu E-putumōhio

Kōtaha Kamupene

Beata Ceramics Co., Ltd.

He roopu ngaio kaha a Beata Ceramics Co., Ltd. mo te rangahau whakangao me te whakawhanaketanga hei whakarite otinga hoahoa hua mo nga kaihoko. He hinonga uku hou e whakauru ana i te hoahoa, te rangahau, te whanaketanga, te whakaputa me te hoko. I whakauruhia e matou nga taputapu matatau mai i Itari me nga rauemi mata teitei o waho, ka hangaia he turanga whakangao kaakaariki pai me te pai ki te taiao, me te mohio ki te mahi aunoatanga. Ma enei e whakarite kia eke ia tukanga whakaputa ki te taumata teitei o te ao. Ko te kaha kino o nga taera 2cm te matotoru i whakawhanakehia e to taatau roopu ka eke ki runga i te 7000N, he nui ake i te 3cm te matotoru o te kaha whakangaro o te papa kohatu taiao.

Ko te nuinga o nga hua o Beata ko nga kowhatu whariki kaiao, taera pakitara, paera tapawha, taera tuanui, taera tohu-waikawa, taera puna kaukau, paera arataki aha atu. He kanorau, he karakara hoki o tatou hua. I nga wa katoa he kaikawe o te ahua me te hangarau. Ka whakatinanahia e to taatau kamupene te mana kounga matawhānui me te kaha o te kawenga me te whai i te kounga pai ake. I tenei wa, kua paahitia e matou te ISO9001: 2008 Whakahaere Kounga me te ISO14001: 2004 Whakahaere Taiao.

Kua rongonui a Beata Ceramics i nga maakete o roto me te ao. I nga wa kei te heke mai, ka kaha tonu taatau ki te whakahaere putaiao, hangarau hangarau, hua kounga, ki te hanga i tetahi waahi noho pai me te whakaatu i tetahi taiao ataahua mo te taone nui.

To tatou Rūma Whakaaturanga 3D

Whakapā mai

Wāhitau Office: Room 1705-2, Nama 492, Xinglinwan Road, Xinglin Street, Xiamen, Fujian, Haina

Wāhi noho wheketere: 1 Papa No.123 Yulin Road, Qiekeng Village, Neikeng pa, Jinjiang pa, Quanzhou pa, Fujian kawanatanga, Haina

Waea pūkoro: +86 181 5009 9653

Waeatuhi/Waea: (+86)0595-8682 8385


Manatārua (C) 2023, Beata Ceramics Co., Ltd. Katoa nga Motika Ka tiakina. Tautokohia e te Panui Mana pupuri

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